Sunday, March 4, 2012

For Public appearances Celebrities are using professionals and branded bra with nice style

Most of the Celebrities are professionals. Public appearances are part of their job so they always want to expose themselves in front of public for that reason bra is important garments for them.. We’re not fugging Judi Dench or Derek Jacobi or any other serious actors here–these folks live by the glitz and glamour, and they have to expect to get fugged on the glitz and glamour (or lack of same) as well.
But thanks for your opinion! And…wait a minute…I think a little tofu got on your overalls…I’ll get it…oh, dear! It fell on your Birkenstocks! Well, a little club soda should get that right out.
Why can’t Fugging celebs be as important as cracking politicians and athletes? After all we pay the ticket for all three!
Well said Juplu– very impressed bra sized
Ridiculing someone’s interest because it is not your cuppa tea is brain farting. Bringing feminism sex or race into it is a cheap shot not really worth responding to. Hey rancor, I am not a Lady!! see my name!
Social commentary is crucially important. You can find examples in Hieroglyphs in Ancient Egypt and some real nasty social critiquing on the walls of Pompeii. GFY is just a modern form and forum of their graffiti. They blasted fashions too!
As for Fugging fashion and celebrity, very worthy. Read this site and it well tell you more about society’s perception of celeb and popular culture than any magazine or thesis.
Most museums in the world dealing with sociology or anthropology have sections devoted to fashion and the arts of clothes making.

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